
Yvonne's Moly is ready

This image was inspired by several deities that represent masculine divinity in Wicca. An antlered god Cernunnos, associated with produce and fertility was a main inspiration for this image. In Wiccan tradition masculine deity is viewed as a Horned God of nature. He is often seen as a god of woodlands, sexuality, and hunting. In this form he is equated with Celtic god Cernunnos and Greek god Pan. Another depiction of the God is as the Oak King and the Holly King, one who rules over Spring and Summer, the other who rules over Autumn and Winter.

Both Ian's moly and Yvonne's moly are now done and ready to be packed up and shipped to Rubén ...


emon xie said...

simply beautiful!

Unknown said...

Oh Albina! Some of my favorite things are- Wicca, pan and gods of woodlands,sexuality and the Holly King! This is beautiful!